Monday, 6 April 2015

Enterprise Integration using Single Sign On CAS

Single Sign On:

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication process that allows a user to access multiple applications with one set of login credentials. SSO is a common procedure in enterprises, where a user   logs  in once and gains access to all systems without being prompted to log in again at each of them.This is typically accomplished using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and stored LDAP databases on servers. 

Single Sign On Types:

Kerberos based        :  It required credentials and offer a ticket.
Smart Card Based   :  use smart card to get the credential.
Enterprise SSO     :  Design to solve the problem of introduce credentials in several systems      inside the organisation.  

Single Sign On System Components:

The Single Sign-On system consists of a Credential database, a master secret server, and one or more Single Sign-On servers.

An associate application is a logical entity that represents a system or sub-system such as a host, back-end system, or line-of-business application to which you are connecting using Enterprise Single Sign-On.

The Credential database is the SQL Server database that stores the information about the associate applications, as well as all the encrypted user credentials to all the affiliate applications.

The SSO system also contains one or more SSO servers. These servers do the mapping between the Windows and back-end credentials and look up the identification in the Credential database. Administrators use them to maintain the SSO system.

SSO advantages include:

  1. Eliminates credential re-authentication and help desk requests; thus, improving productivity.
  2.  Streamlines local and remote application and desktop workflow.
  3.  Minimizes phishing.
  4.  Improves compliance through a centralized database.
  5.  Provides detailed user access reporting.
Centralize Authentication Service:

Centralized Authentication Service (CAS) is the Solution scenario of Single sign On. CAS is a Single Sign on Protocol for the web. Its purpose is to permit a user to log into multiple applications simultaneously. 
CAS Protocol Steps:

User access to website.
Website redirects to CAS
CAS ask for credentials.
CAS send tickets and redirects.
Service validate ticket with CAS.
Service gets User.
Service allows user access.

Working of CAS:

1. CAS is a Ticket based authentication token. 
2. In which the User will forwarded to CAS Login Server. 
3. User will authenticate using their credentials like username and password. Which will create     authentication ticket.

4.  Ticket will redirect to audit console. Where it checks validity of the ticket.
5.  If the Ticket is valid, it allows user to logs with that ticket.

CAS Actors:

Authentication Central

Enterprise Single Sign on Solutions:

Open Source
Well Documented
Modular and highly pluggable

Password security management can be a key nuisance for users and enterprise IT alike as password strategy can cause irritation for users when they have multiple passwords to remember. End-users often write their passwords down and leave them by their workstation - a serious enterprise security issue. Or they forget their passwords and have to put efficiency on hold while they make costly calls to the IT help desk to perform a password reset.

Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions can potentially determine these issues by enabling users to sign in just once to the network and have access to all the applications they are certified to access - eliminating password headaches and enabling productivity. 

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

White Paper on DevOps - Developer and Operation world

What is DevOps?
DevOps is simply a software development method. Which is collaboration between the software developers and information technology professional. DevOps is a combination of Development  and Operations. Which is mainly focuses on the communication, collaboration and integration between various different departments like developers, testers and support.
Primary Goals of DevOps:
Idea behind the concept is to speed up the whole production process like rapidly producing software products and services and improving quality. Simple process becomes more dynamic with DevOps. 
It can target Product delivery, quality testing which can improve reliability, security and provide faster development.

Process of DevOps:
DevOps can help in Production Environment. The Process conducting is through the different process involvement. Developers team and Operation Team can manage their works separately. Development Team gathered the requirement and develops the software through writing a code according to the requirement.  Then Testing Team teat the software according to quality, bugs and errors. After completion of successful Testing, software will release to operations for use. After consummation of Development work, Operation Team will start maintaining all the process of software. In all that Process their work is depend on each other but they work separately. 

DevOps approaches bridges the gap between two team by adding some streamlined exercise. It first of all enables interaction and valid communication between the two teams during development which can enable both the team to know the in and out of every production process at every step.

The whole idea behind this concept is to speed up the whole production process like rapidly producing software products and services and improving the quality.
For more Details download the White Paper.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

How to increase battery life of android?

Smart Phones are awesome and are improving every year. But still one problem is unsolvable is a Battery Life.

Battery life varies in different Android phones. It depends on some of the Features of Android phones like different models. Smart phones are becoming more prominent so user requires more and more battery.

Savvy users can be more drastic for usage of battery. A partly they will turn off apps that are not use like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc.  But user can’t always stay on top of everything all the time, especially on a life event or a busy work schedule. Good thing is that, now developers have created battery saver apps which can help for saving battery life and can help for running battery long time.

Tips for Battery Saving in Android:

1.    Turn off location service
2.    Turn off background data
3.    Switch your internet from 3g to 2g
4.    Turn off Notification
5.    Dim the Display
6.    Set a shorter screen time out
7.    Disable automatic updates

Smart phones have immense, bright screens, ordnance of wireless receivers and transmitters, and fast CPUs. Mobile battery technology is struggling to keep pace with this onslaught of demands, some last for only 5 hours of heavy use before they go belly up.

That's why smart phone app developers created battery-saver apps. These programs purpose is  to save battery life by slapping down on unnecessary tasks, ensuring that your phone is running only the apps you really need at any given moment.

For example, some apps are prominent for launching themselves, constantly downloading updates and notifications. In the process, they consume CPU time and battery life. Other apps suffer from design issues or outright bugs that cause them to draw unnecessary power. 

How Battery Defender Works?

Be clear in mind that Battery saver apps works fine in one device may not work same in others. It depends on the version, memory and CPU. When we are using this battery saver app, it can help to save a life of battery. It can work long lasting.

Battery saver can also speed up your Smartphone’s CPU performance. It can also remove bloat wares that occupies a lot of memory and hog up power. Battery saver app offers various battery-saving options. It also has a feature that displays the remaining time before the device switches off.

Battery Saver App allows you to customize profiles where it can automatically turn off features like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when you’re at work. You can also set a range of time during the day when the phone should be in Silent Mode. All of that can contribute to saving more battery.

Battery saver App offers different intelligent modes and preset options you can configure in order to use as little power as possible. It also has its own collection of widgets including one that lets you kill apps running in the background in just one tap.

At KNOWARTH, we are developing custom applications. This is the place where we are converting your idea in to a real application. So if you have any unique idea regarding application development we will help you to develop your custom applications at affordable cost using latest tools and technologies. 

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Journey through JavaScript MVC Framework

It’s always provocation to choose an adroit Framework. For such a challenging requirements it is must to work with a highly efficient Framework.

JavaScript MVC is an Open source Framework which is based on jQuery and Open Ajax.
It is use Model - View – Controller architecture for Testing. It is an Open source Framework so it can be work well with the different Server side application like, php, rubby , java etc. It can be well performed with all this applications.

This modern frameworks provide developers an easy path to organize their path code using variation of a pattern known as MVC.

  1. Model :  represent the domain specific knowledge and data in an application.
  2. View :  JavaScriptMVC uses EJS templates to render HTML data in controllers and inject them into the DOM.
  3. Controller : A controller is a list of functions that gets called back when the appropriate event happens.

When we need a JavaScript MVC Framework?
When building a single-page application using JavaScript, whether it involves a complex user interface or is simply trying to reduce the number of HTTP requests required for new Views, you will likely find yourself inventing many of the pieces that make up an MV* framework.

At the outset, it isn’t terribly difficult to write your own application framework that offers some opinionated way to avoid spaghetti code; however, to say that it is equally as trivial to write something as robust as Backbone would be a grossly incorrect assumption.

There’s a lot more that goes into structuring an application than tying together a DOM manipulation library, templating, and routing. Mature MV* frameworks typically include not only the pieces you would find yourself writing, but also include solutions to problems you’ll find yourself running into later on down the road.

List of Popular JavaScript MVC Framework:
Backbone.js AngularJS
Ember.js Knockout
Agility.js CanJS
Spine Maria
ExtJS Sammy.js
Stapes.js Epitome
soma.js PlastronJS
rAppid.js Serenade.js
Kendo UI

Monday, 16 March 2015

Bootstrap clench the eminence to be a Single page Application venture

Single Page Application got a greater popularity because of a Usage of Mobile.
Bootstrap is an open source tools for creating Web Application. Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton in August 2011.
Why to use Bootstrap?
Over the last few years, Bootstrap becomes a very popular Front end Framework. It uses HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. The Bootstrap framework is feature rich and gives several benefits to those using it.
1.    Responsiveness
2.    Easy to Use
3.    Browser Compatibility
4.    Development Speed

How to create First web page using Bootstrap?
1.    Downloading and Installing Bootstrap:
You can download Bootstrap from the There are Instructions for Installations are available. And which include source code and documentation.
Bootstrap download comes with a compressed file.  Extract this and open it. It includes folders named,
1.    CSS files
2.    JavaScript files
2.    Creating Bootstrap Page:
You can start it with creating a HTML. For that you can use an Editor. Easiest way is to use a Template, you can download Templates from Bootstrap website.

Why to use Templates?
Because it is an easy way to start up. Template gives a readymade design , we just need to edit according to our requirements.

2.    How to use Templates?
1.    First step is to find out the best Template which can best describe your website.
2.    Download that Template. After that Unzip that File. You will find,
1.  Documentation folder which contains JS, assests and css file.
2.  Theme folder which contains HTML pages.
3.    Customize the Template using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You can make changes according to your requirements.

3.    Bootstrap Grid System:
Bootstrap Grid system allows up to 12 columns across the Page. This system is Responsive so it can automatically fit into any screen size. Grid system has a four classes.
1.    xs  (for phones)
2.    sm (for  tablets)
3.    md (for desktop)
4.    ld (for large desktop)

Each class come up with scales up, so if you wish to set the same widths for xs and sm, you only need to specify xs.
In a Grid System, Rows must be placed within the .container or .container-fluid for a best alignment.
Grid columns are created by specifying the number of 12 available columns as specified in above image,  you wish to span.

There are a Predefined classes available including, .row and .col-sm-4 which can use for quickly making grid layouts.

There are lots of Grid Options are available like Grid Behavior, Container Width, class prefix, column width, gutter width.

4.    Bootstrap Case:
It includes container, button, Menu, Navigation Bar.
1.    Container:
We need to use all the HTML elements into the <body> inside the container.
<div class="container">
    <h1>Bootstrap container example</h1>
    <p>This is an Example.</p>
2.    Buttons:   
Button classes used <a> , <button> or <input> elements. It uses the classes like .btn-lg and .btn-info
<div class="button">
  <h1>button example</h1>
  <p>This is an Example. </p>
  <a href="" class="btn btn-info btn- lg">Button</a>

3.    Navigation Bar:
Navigation bar can be expand or collapse using Bootstrap. Bootstrap provides a classes for Navigation like .navbar-default and .navbar-inverse.
<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse">
 <div class="navbar-header">
     <a class=" " href="#">Name</a>
In the process of learning the Single Page Application Using BootStrap framework, we have come to an end. Basically, we only summarized necessary basic informations, all the rest has done by Bootstrap framework. For more details visit KNOWARTH Technologies

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Case Study: Move IT Infrastructure to Cloud

What is Cloud Migration Service?
Cloud Migration Service is a process of transitioning an IT Infrastructure data to cloud service.

Business Needs:
       High Availability
       Limited System/Storage Scalability
       High Capex Cost
       Datacenter Overhead
       Backup Management
       Disaster Recovery
       Compliance Management
       User Management

Cloud Migration Workflow:

1.    Initiate:
Discuss Business and IT needs with a cloud movers consultant.
2.    Discover:
We use automated tools and manual assessment to profile your server.
3.    Decide:
We recommended a cloud migration plan to be executed by our migration team.
4.    Plan:
Based on your timeframe, we draft a plan to migrate your servers.
5.    Migrate:
Migrate, Test document and approve each workload migration based on the project plan.
6.    Test:
We turn over the migrated environment to you so you can run your own tests.
7.    Deploy:
The Migrated environment goes live with a rollback option in case you need it.

Move an IT Infrastructure to Cloud:
  1. Move an IT Infrastructure to Cloud:
  2. High availability achieved with help of synchronization in different availability zones.
  3. Automated scripts implemented for backup.
  4. Encrypted transfer of data configured for highest security compliance.
  5. Complete setup was achieved along with configuration of server provisioning, security, Active Directory, Windows RDS, Backup, Data migration in 24 hrs.
  6. Data Migration of ~1.2 TB done in merely half a day.
  7. Traditional Mail servers migrated to Google Apps.
Recently KNOWARTH Technologies helped one of the largest book keeping companies in Australia to move their IT Infrastructure to cloud. For detailed information visit here.

Thinking of moving to the cloud?  Let us help you to migrate your most critical application of cloud in KNOWARTH Technologies. We served a best cloud migration service.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015